They Want A Quality Certificate For Onions From The Village Of Banichan

They Want A Quality Certificate For Onions From The Village Of Banichan
They Want A Quality Certificate For Onions From The Village Of Banichan

Onion producers from the village of Banichan insist that their product be added to the list of protected food names in the campaign To protect the Bulgarian taste.

The certificate of this type guarantees the quality of the products, and the village of Banichan believes that their onion is unique enough to deserve its place among the other food products protected by the geographical name.

Rumyana Dzhibova, secretary of the Chitalishte in Banichan, told Darik about the initiative.

An explanatory campaign is already underway in the village, after which an Association of Banich Bulb Producers will be established. Two varieties of onions are produced - white and red, which is suitable for salads.


The planting of this onion is more specific, growers say. It is done with seedlings, requires special soil and a lot of watering.

The producers of the Banichan product are determined to perform the certification procedure in cooperation with the Bulgarian branch of the SlowFood organization. Thus, they can join the campaign of the MEP Momchil Nenkov - To protect the Bulgarian taste.

So far, the list of candidates for a protected name includes the meat of an Eastern Balkan pig and the Kurt pink tomato.

Their documents on the quality schemes of the European Union are ready.

Gornooryahovski sudzuk
Gornooryahovski sudzuk

The Gorno Oryahov sudzuk and the Bulgarian rose oil have a protected name of a product of geographical importance. Strandzha manna honey is also in the process of receiving protection.

This mechanism protects European producers and guarantees product quality for the geographical area concerned.
