Do Not Drink More Than A Glass Of Soda A Day

Do Not Drink More Than A Glass Of Soda A Day
Do Not Drink More Than A Glass Of Soda A Day

As much as they are preferred, carbonated drinks are just as harmful. They have been found to cause great damage to human health.

If you want to have a healthy cardiovascular system, you should avoid fizzy drinks. Soft drinks have a bad effect on blood pressure.

British doctors conducted a study among 2,500 people aged 40 to 59 from Britain and the United States, which found that drinking more than 355 ml of soda a day increases the risk of hypertension.

The bad effect is due to the large amount of sugar in soft drinks. Sugar disrupts the conduction of blood vessels.

"Until now, we knew that if we ate salty, we risked becoming hypertensive. Today, it is clear that in order to avoid danger, we must limit sweets," said Professor Paul Elliott. He recommends no more than a glass of cola or soda a day.

Carbonated drinks are part of our daily lives, but just look at some of the problems they can cause you:

Carbonated drinks
Carbonated drinks

- You can develop diabetes. Carbonated drinks often contain high fructose corn syrup, which has high levels of free radicals associated with tissue damage, the development of diabetes and complications of diabetes. Carbonated drinks contain such an amount of sugar that is harmful to the body. The sugar substitute is aspartame, which is carcinogenic in excessive consumption.

- Carbonated drinks contain phosphoric acid, which depletes calcium and magnesium in our body with extreme speed. These two substances strengthen and preserve our immunity.

- carbonated drinks are most often stored in plastic bottles, which contain the toxic chemical bisphenol A, and it is harmful to the body.

- from carbonated fat. Regular consumption of carbonated beverages can lead to overweight. Sweet drinks promote the release of insulin in the body, which in turn blocks its ability to burn fat.
