The Herb Clover Helps With Numbness In The Hands

The Herb Clover Helps With Numbness In The Hands
The Herb Clover Helps With Numbness In The Hands

Numbness of the limbs should not be neglected. It leads to arthritis, osteoarthritis, low back pain and more.

If for a long time you feel tingling in the hands and feet should seek medical attention.

I offer you tried and tested recipes with herbs for these problems.

Clover is the best herb used for tingling in the extremities. 1 teaspoon of dried herb is put in a glass of boiling water for 10 minutes. This tea is drunk one cup of tea a day.

Baths in cold and then hot water are also very effective. In the evening it is nice to do for 15 minutes. After the bath it is good to smear the hands and feet with a warming ointment or alcohol. You can safely do this for 10 days to have the effect and soothe the tingling.

Another remedy is camphor ointment. Add a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil to it. Rub your limbs the night before bed. This is done no more than 3 consecutive days.

It also helps to relieve tension by pouring warm water into a small bowl - just enough to cover your hand. You try to bend your arm the way the concave bowl is, so you apply pressure, but not too hard.

Squeeze and twist the arm at least a dozen times. The water must be heated again if it cools down. These are proven methods that really have a very positive effect on tingling limbs.
