Dill: Aromatic Spice And Medicinal Herb

Dill: Aromatic Spice And Medicinal Herb
Dill: Aromatic Spice And Medicinal Herb

Dill is grown everywhere in our country. Along the southern Black Sea coast and along the Danube it grows in the wild. It is harvested in the months of May to October. It dries in the shade.

Apart from being an aromatic spice, fennel is also used for healing, as the parts used are the leaves and fruits of the plant. Dill contains essential oil, fats, proteins, iron salts, vitamin C and other nutrients.

The spice is used in the treatment of hypertension because it lowers blood pressure, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, dilates them and has a diuretic effect.

Chopped Dill
Chopped Dill

Dill tea is recommended to soothe colic, increase breast milk, improve digestion, and also helps with insomnia (be careful with the use of fennel and other spices and herbs during pregnancy, to consult with doctor). Dill is an excellent prophylactic against angina attacks.

To prepare fennel infusion we need 3 tablespoons of crushed fruit, which we pour into 3 teaspoons of boiling water.

Boil for 10 minutes and strain. Take three times a day and drink the prepared dose for two days. Store in a glass container in the refrigerator.
