Products That Are Good For The Skin Of The Hands

Products That Are Good For The Skin Of The Hands
Products That Are Good For The Skin Of The Hands

Frequent hand washing leads to dryness and even cracking of our skin. Good hydration and regular treatment with hand cream are a must to keep the skin of our hands healthy.

But don't think that this can only be achieved with Kupeshki hand cream.

There are many products that are good for the skin of your hands - for both external and internal use.

Against the background of the current coronavirus pandemic (which we have no doubt will pass), it is at the same time desirable not to leave home except for urgent reasons. That's why we're here to show you what you can take care of the skin of your handswithout leaving your home.

1. Cream of cucumber and yogurt

Cucumber milk against dry skin on the hands
Cucumber milk against dry skin on the hands

For this purpose, you only need to mash a peeled cucumber and mix it with about 100 mg of yogurt. This mixture becomes a very effective hand mask that has a long-lasting moisturizing effect, even after washing. It is only important to have the patience to let it act on your hands for about half an hour before washing them.

2. Lemon juice

Many experts claim that lemon juice will quickly make the skin on your hands look like a "baby ass". But this does not mean that you should only smear your hands with lemon juice! Add it to your favorite soups, lettuce and main dishes, because it is very rich in vitamins, and we know that beauty comes from within.

3. Consume products rich in vitamin E

Foods with vitamin E are good for the skin of the hands
Foods with vitamin E are good for the skin of the hands

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It is a well-known fact that all foods rich in vitamin E are especially effective for the regeneration of the skin, including that of your hands. Eat pumpkin, kiwi, avocado, dried apricots, spinach, peppers and nuts regularly (the richest in vitamin E are hazelnuts, sunflower seeds and almonds). Be a little more careful with nuts, because they are also quite high in calories. One handful of nuts a day is enough for your body to get vitamin E without thinking about your weight.

4. Olive oil

Besides being a good source of vitamin E, you can also use it to lubricate your hands regularly for hydration. Stand for about 20-30 minutes and wash them so as not to leave greasy stains when touched. So, olive oil is an ideal tool for both cooking and external use.
