Seven Foods That Relieve The Symptoms Of Menopause

Seven Foods That Relieve The Symptoms Of Menopause
Seven Foods That Relieve The Symptoms Of Menopause

If hot flashes, flushing, sweating, insomnia, mood swings and bone loss come, then it's time to go into menopause. To protect yourself from these problems, you need a balanced diet.

During menopause, try to avoid frequent use of red meat, sweet and savory products, processed meat sausages, alcohol and cigarettes. Do not skip separate meals and often drink plenty of water, herbal tea without sugar and freshly squeezed fruit juice.

Here are some of the foods useful for this difficult period of a woman's life:

1. Peppers help with fatigue, and have anti-inflammatory effects. They are rich in vitamin C, strengthen immunity and lower blood sugar levels;


2. Garlic is a natural antibiotic and is a faithful helper in the fight against all the effects of menopause, promotes sleep and provides energy;

3. Soy - it is a good source of phytoestrogens that relieve menopausal symptoms. Be careful with the amount of soy you eat and consult a doctor for more information;


4. Primrose and St. John's wort - relieve hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia and help reduce anxiety;

5. Lemon balm - acts relaxing and calms the nerves. Improves mood and concentration;

6. Fish and dairy products - take more calcium and vitamin D to avoid the development of osteoporosis and bone diseases


7. Oil and unrefined oil - rich in vitamin E, which is a strong antioxidant. Use it for cooking or salads. Vitamin E is also found in nuts, tomatoes, carrots and whole grains.

If you follow this diet, you will pass menopause without problems!
