Shopska Salad Is The Healthiest Appetizer For Brandy! See Why

Shopska Salad Is The Healthiest Appetizer For Brandy! See Why
Shopska Salad Is The Healthiest Appetizer For Brandy! See Why

Recently, we pay a lot of attention to the description of fruits and vegetables in terms of the benefits they can bring to health and beauty. Summer is the peak of fresh fruits and the most favorable time to improve our health with their help.

The most common vegetables in our country are cucumbers and tomatoes and they are the main ingredients in our favorite Shopska salad. Some believe that there is nothing but water in the cucumber, but this is not the case. Cucumber contains a lot of vitamins - C, B1, B2, PP. There is also sugar and many mineral salts. Consumption of cucumber reduces the acidity of gastric juice.

Cucumber juice cleanses the body by removing toxic substances and toxins. The content of potassium frees the body from excess fluid and salt, helps remove sand from the kidneys and has a beneficial effect on the heart and liver.

Frequent consumption of cucumbers slows down the process of fat formation in the body. It is recommended for those who want to lose weight to spend a week unloading once a week, eating up to 2 kg of cucumbers during the day. Cucumber is one of the few vegetables that is better to eat unripe, so very small cucumbers are valued.


Tomatoes, like cucumbers, contain many useful nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Tomatoes are rich in vitamins A and C, an important antioxidant, magnesium, potassium, iron and fiber. Tomatoes are a source of the pigment lycopene, which is also a powerful antioxidant.

The antioxidants contained in tomatoes and first of all lycopene protect the body's cells and help prevent cancer. American scientists have created a new variety of tomato, in which the content of lycopene is 2-3.5 more than in ordinary tomatoes.

Consumption of tomatoes and tomato juice, but without added salt, also reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and diseases of the circulatory system, improves the functioning of the lungs, stomach, pancreas and prevents cataracts. Tomatoes are low in calories and high in potassium, so just like cucumbers, they are good for obese people.

Canned tomatoes
Canned tomatoes

Surprisingly, the beneficial properties of tomatoes are enhanced when subjected to heat treatment, because the concentration of lycopene increases with heating and canning. So, if there are no contraindications, you should consume more tomato products - sauces, purees, ketchups and canned tomatoes.
