Red Wine Adds 10 Years Of Life

Red Wine Adds 10 Years Of Life
Red Wine Adds 10 Years Of Life

Moderate amounts of alcohol in old age prolong life and help you feel better in old age, new studies say.

Older people who consume moderate amounts of alcohol are less likely to develop various types of physical disorders in old age, according to a new study.

For example, one glass of wine a day has a positive effect on the behavior of the musculoskeletal system and the physical condition of the elderly. It has previously been found that moderate amounts of alcohol contribute to good heart function and ultimately prolong life.

These data are the result of a study conducted by scientists among more than 4,000 elderly people. As a result of this experiment, it was found that those who drink alcohol in moderate doses are less likely to have problems walking and cope more easily and without problems with daily housework.

Red wine adds 10 years of life
Red wine adds 10 years of life

However, among older men and women with poor health, the positive effect of alcohol on their physical condition is quite weak or almost non-existent.

The study was published in the American Journal of Epidemiology. In addition to the benefits of small doses of alcohol and a glass of red wine in the evening, scientists have not forgotten to remind that alcohol abuse at any age leads to alcoholism, and hence to detrimental effects on the body.

Red wine also helps successfully in the fight against anemia, atherosclerosis. The secret of the grape elixir lies mostly in the compound known as resveratrol.

It has the ability to eliminate free radicals, which are responsible for skin aging and can cause cancer or cataracts.
