We Have A Sixth Sense Of Taste

We Have A Sixth Sense Of Taste
We Have A Sixth Sense Of Taste

American scientists have found: a person has a sixth sense of taste - our tongue can sense fat. Until recently, this feeling was completely unidentified.

People in whom this sixth sense is very pronounced, less often and consume less fatty foods. That is why they are much less likely to suffer from obesity.

"It is known that human language can recognize five tastes - sweet, salty, sour, bitter and spicy," recalls the study's author Russell Kist.

Thanks to more than a year of research, he and his team came to the conclusion that human language can identify another cheap taste - that of fat.

Programs have been developed specifically for the study to test people's ability to recognize various fatty acids found in foods.

Breaded Chunks
Breaded Chunks

It turned out that people have a threshold of taste sensitivity to fat, and this threshold varies depending on the individual. Some people have a high sensitivity to fat, others have very low or no fat at all.

"We've noticed that people with high sensitivity to fat use less fatty foods than those with lower sensitivity," explains Dr. Kist.

"Because fats are readily available and used by everyone, this means that our taste system is desensitized to the taste of fat. As a result, some people overeat constantly, "said the scientist.

Researchers are currently trying to find out why some people are more sensitive to fat, while others are not, to develop new low-fat diet programs.
