Trans Fats Have Been Banned In The United States. And We Have?

Trans Fats Have Been Banned In The United States. And We Have?
Trans Fats Have Been Banned In The United States. And We Have?

The harm of trans fats has long been talked about. The constant attempts to prevent this problem from being made public have not been successful. The US Food and Drug Administration recently issued a statement that trans fats are not safe for health. According to the service, restricting and even banning them will prevent 20,000 heart attacks and could save at least 7,000 people in the country each year.

According to them, the health experts gladly accepted this rather belated decision. In New York and several other places in the United States, the ban took effect immediately.

Trans fats are extremely widely used. They can be found in almost any packaged food in the super, fried foods, pastries, etc. Data on them have been collected for 15 years. According to experts, they can no longer fall into the category of "generally recognized as safe", ie. be on the list of thousands of additives that manufacturers use without approval.

Trans fats cause constant smoldering inflammation in the body, which is a sure prerequisite for cancer. They cause hyperinsulinism, which damages the pancreas and leads to diabetes. There is a tendency for many children to suffer from type 2 diabetes, which is common in adults.


In addition, they affect children's behavior because they interfere with the normal blood supply to the brain and lead to aggression or depression. And these are just a small part of the established damages from the intake of trans fats.

The Association of the Greatest in the Food Industry (GMA) has reduced the use of trans fats by more than 73% in the last 9 years. However, their total replacement as an ingredient in many products is an extremely difficult task.

Despite the measures and bans, the final decision to ban trans fats in the United States is pending. A number of companies will take part in the discussion. In this case, they will be the deciding factor, although it is already clear that trans fats increase the life of food, but reduce the life of people. They are cheaper but more harmful.


Public opinion is also divided on the issue. A national survey reports that 52% oppose the ban and 44% approve it.

There are a number of health organizations in our country also insist on a series of measures aimed at limiting synthetic fats and subsequently banning them in the food industry. The first step to this is to label trans fats on food labels. Until that happens, we'll be watching colorful TV commercials for margarines enriched with omega-3 fatty acids.
