The Devil's Mouth Helps With Infertility And Menopause

The Devil's Mouth Helps With Infertility And Menopause
The Devil's Mouth Helps With Infertility And Menopause

Nowadays, difficult conception is becoming a serious obstacle for many young families. The popular herb devil's mouth or home nettle is well known in Bulgarian folk medicine and is also used to treat reproductive difficulties.

Devil's mouth is also widely used in Chinese medicine. The herb is said to help make conception easier. Home nettle actually acts not only on the reproductive organs - the herb has a good effect on the nervous system and heart muscles.

Globally, the level of stress in a woman's body is one of the serious obstacles to conception. Decoction of the herb has a calming effect on the body, improves sleep quality and generally removes tension in the body. The devil's mouth strengthens the central nervous system.

Thanks to the consumption of the herb, the function of the heart will improve, which is essential during the birth itself. In addition to solving reproductive problems, the devil's mouth is also quite successful in dealing with women's problems related to their menstrual cycle.

Many women between the ages of 16 and 30 have problems with their menstrual cycle - for some women it is irregular. In another - the cycle comes just in time, but it is painful. Sometimes the pain is unbearably strong and the only thing a woman can do is shrink into a ball and wait for relief.

Benefits of Devil's Mouth
Benefits of Devil's Mouth

The various painkillers certainly work, but if you want to try a natural way to solve the problem, turn to the devil's mouth. The herb successfully fights not only the menstrual cycle, but also helps prevent premenstrual syndrome, as well as menopause.

It is a good idea to consult a specialist before use. In case of overdose, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting and slow pulse may occur. It is important to emphasize that the herb should not be used raw - in this form the plant is poisonous.

Its use during pregnancy is controversial - some experts completely deny its use, others recommend it in small quantities.
