Healing Recipes With Devil's Mouth

Healing Recipes With Devil's Mouth
Healing Recipes With Devil's Mouth

Devil's mouth is extremely common in Chinese medicine - there it is often used for irregular menstruation in women, as well as for various sexual disorders. It is also popular in Bulgaria, especially with its calming effect, it is also used for flatulence, headaches, anemia, fatigue and others.

The herb devil's mouth acts as a sedative. Experts recommend that decoctions of the herb not be mixed with sleeping pills or sedatives. In addition, the herb has blood-thinning properties.

Although we are talking about an herb, it is advisable to consult a phytotherapist before you decide to make any of the decoctions. It will help you with the doses of herbs so that they match your personality.

Most recipes contain herbs other than devil's mouth - the most important thing is never to take this herb raw, as it is poisonous.

In case of insomnia, make a decoction of 30 g of blackberry leaves, 15 g of thyme stalks and white ground. Add 20 g of stalks of lazarkin and devil's mouth to them. Stir the mixture and separate from it 2 tbsp.

Pour half a liter of hot water over the drugs and let the mixture stand for three hours. Then strain and take ½ tsp. 3 or 4 times a day.

Herb Devil's Mouth
Herb Devil's Mouth

In case of neurosis, mix 25 g of devil's mouth and 30 g of linden. Add 15 g of hawthorn leaves, dilyanka roots and mint leaves to them. Stir the mixture and take 2 tablespoons, which boil for 3 minutes in 1 tsp. water. Drink one glass of wine three times a day.

In case you suffer from hypertension, mix equal amounts of flowers of black elderberry, hawthorn, lemon balm and birch leaves, white mistletoe twigs, dilyanka roots and stalks of savory and devil's mouth.

Pour half a liter of water 2 tbsp. of this mixture and cook for five minutes, then wait for the mixture to cool. Finally strain and drink 1 glass of wine before eating.

In case of pain in the heart area, mix 1 tsp. devil's mouth, calamus root and buckthorn, rose hips and sagebrush. Add the same amount of lily of the valley, mint, hawthorn, butterbur, valerian.

put all these herbs in a liter and a half of water and leave the mixture on the stove to boil. Herbs neck five minutes, then the infusion is left to soak for eight hours. Then take three times a day for 100 g - preferably thirty minutes before meals.
