Folk Medicine With A Devil's Mouth

Folk Medicine With A Devil's Mouth
Folk Medicine With A Devil's Mouth

The herb devil's mouth is often used for neuroses - it has a calming effect on the nervous system. The herb regulates heart activity, lowers blood pressure, dilates blood vessels, is suitable for the treatment of insomnia.

Devil's mouth decoction is also recommended for palpitations - normalizes heart rate. The herb has a hemostatic effect and increases urine output.

It is also recommended for mental fatigue, painful menstruation, during the critical age, anemia, headache, mild Bazeda's disease and others. The leaves and the flowering part of the plant are used for decoctions and teas.

It can be used for minor burns and wounds by making compresses. In folk medicine, the devil's mouth is often recommended for reproductive problems and infertility.

As the herb is strong, it is advisable to be careful with the amount you take per day. Too much of the herb can cause a slow pulse, drowsiness.

The infusion is made with 2 tbsp. devil's mouth - pour half a liter of boiling water over them. Leave the mixture to stand for an hour, then strain and drink 1 glass of wine 3 times a day before meals.

Benefits of Devil's Mouth
Benefits of Devil's Mouth

In case of cardiac neurosis, make an infusion of 1 tsp. dilyanka, hawthorn, hops, balm and devil's mouth and 2 tsp. valerian root.

Put all the herbs in 400 ml of boiling water and leave to soak for 20 minutes, then strain. Drink the infusion three times a day for 120 ml a quarter of an hour before meals. Be careful with the plot, because it is poisonous!

For nervous-vegetative and rhythm disorders, you can make a decoction of devil's mouth, wormwood, dill and mint. Put 1 tsp. of all herbs in 400 ml of boiling water, then allow the mixture to boil with the drug for another 3 minutes. The decoction is soaked for half an hour and filtered.

Take 120 ml three times a day after meals. It is good to continue the treatment for three months, then take a two-week break and repeat the herbal therapy again.

In case of atherosclerosis and myocardial damage, put in 400 ml of warm water 1 tsp. rose and devil's mouth and 2 tsp. hawthorn and white mistletoe.

Boil the mixture for three minutes and leave to soak for 12 hours, then strain. You should drink the decoction twice a day - preferably in the morning and evening. The treatment lasts for three months, after which there is a break of one month.
