8 Foods Rich In Honey

8 Foods Rich In Honey
8 Foods Rich In Honey

Copper is a trace element that the body needs in small amounts to function properly. It is used to form red blood cells, bones, connective tissue and some important enzymes.

Copper is important for the development of babies while they are still in the mother's womb, for maintaining the immune system and cholesterol levels.

Although it requires small amounts in the body, it is one of the main and most important trace elements, which makes it mandatory in the menu and in your body. Here's how easy it can be get honey through food:

1. Liver - the liver is an extremely nutritious food when it comes to meat delicacies. He is with high copper content and other substances useful for the body. One of them is vitamin A, which is why this product should not be consumed by pregnant women, as it can harm the fetus.

foods with honey
foods with honey

2. Mussels - can be served raw or cooked, according to your taste. It is a seafood delicacy rich in honey, selenium, zinc and other useful nutrients. It is important not to overdo their consumption. Not recommended for pregnant women!

3. Spirulina - these are actually blue-green algae powder, with a very specific taste. They can be consumed this way, but if you can't get used to the unusual taste, add it to smoothies, cereals or other products. It is rich in honey and is often taken diluted with water to make something like juice.

4. Shiitake mushrooms - a few such mushrooms are enough to get your daily dose of honey. They are also rich in other healthy substances… and delicious, of course!

cashews are rich in honey
cashews are rich in honey

5. Nuts and seeds - especially cashews, almonds and sesame seeds. They are rich in honey and a number of other useful elements, fiber and protein. Extremely tasty, you can eat them raw, add them to your favorite salad or dish.

6. Lobster - a great seafood, low in fat and high in honey, vitamins, minerals and protein. It can be served alone or in addition to certain dishes. It is important not to overdo it.

7. Leafy vegetables - such as spinach, lettuce, cabbage. Rich in vitamins, calcium, magnesium, copper and other useful ingredients. They are a favorite side dish to any dish. Try to be present in your menu as often as possible.

8. Dark chocolate - a real temptation, which turns out to be quite useful. A real mix of useful nutrients, fiber, antioxidants and honey, of course. Still, it's chocolate, so ladies, take it easy, don't overdo it.
