Foods Rich In Protein

Foods Rich In Protein
Foods Rich In Protein

Protein is a nutrient composed of amino acids that is necessary for the proper growth and functioning of the human body. While the body is capable of producing certain amino acids, essential amino acids must be derived from animal or vegetable protein sources.

Although there is a debate about how much protein should be consumed per day, it should be noted that a lack of protein can lead to growth disorders, loss of muscle mass, reduced immunity, weakening of the heart and respiratory system, and in some cases even to death.

The American Institute of Medicine recommends a minimum of 0.8 g of protein per kilogram of body weight per day for each adult. Intake of less than this amount is considered unhealthy. Here are some of the most protein-rich foods.


Of all the cheeses with highest protein content is Parmesan - 41.6 g per 100 grams per serving, followed by mozzarella and Swiss cheese - about 28-30 g. It turns out that soft cheeses, cream, cream cheese have the least protein - about 16 g per serving.

Goat cheese is also a good source of protein. About 20 g of it contains 5 g of protein.

Low-calorie, tasty and preferred by trainees is cottage cheese. It looks like cottage cheese, is low in calories, provides a lot of protein, promotes weight loss, keeps you full for a long time and contains a bunch of other useful elements. From 100 g of cottage cheese you can get about 11 g of protein.


The notorious tofu also falls among the cheeses with high protein content. 100 g of soy cheese contains 8.9 g of the element. It is known for its positive effects on the heart, cholesterol and nervous system.

Beans and legumes

The older, bigger and more mature the bean, the more protein you get with it. It is high in fiber, calcium and iron, but also proves to be one of the best sources of amino acids that are so necessary for the human body.

Peas also belong to useful sources of protein. Satisfying, tasty and of course - with a high content of the element we are interested in. A cup of peas contains 10.25 g of protein and little fat. A source of vitamins and a valuable antioxidant that takes care of the good condition of the skin, hair and eyesight. Promotes good brain function and proper digestion.

Lamb chops have protein
Lamb chops have protein

Lean beef and veal

To get the purest possible protein, it is good to choose lean meat. Beef and beef contain about 36 g of protein per 100 g portion.

Roasted pumpkin, pumpkin and watermelon seeds

Pumpkin and pumpkin seeds provide about 33 g of protein per 100 g. Together with watermelon seeds, they are from the seeds and nuts with the least calories.


One of the best sources of vegetable protein. They are rich in useful substances, which is why it is recommended for a healthy diet. These are the nuts with the highest calcium content. About 40 g of almonds contain 10 g of protein.

Chicken, lamb and pork

It is good, as with all other meats, to choose lean meat, as these meats provide 30-33 g of protein per 100 g.. It is suitable for people who train to gain muscle mass. It is good to consume without skin, as it contains more fat and is difficult to absorb by the body. Chicken meat contains vitamin B, which is why it is good to consume by people with diabetes, heart problems, high cholesterol. Promotes mental development.

Fish and caviar

Fish is a very useful and healthy food. It is no coincidence that its consumption is recommended at least once a week. She is great source of protein depending on the type and supplies us with about 26-30 g per serving. Salmon is one of the best sources of protein among fish and a source of beneficial omega-3 fatty acids. It also contains a number of useful substances. Consumption of salmon helps strengthen heart health, bones, improves skin condition and vision. One of the traditional and most delicious ways to make salmon fillets is by stewing. From 100 g of fillet you can get 28 g of protein.

Lentils are rich in protein
Lentils are rich in protein

Lentils, pulses and peanuts

They are great source of vegetable protein, with lentils providing the most - about 25.8 g per serving, and peanuts - 23.7 g. It contains many of the B vitamins and a number of other useful elements such as iron, fiber, magnesium, etc. Promotes good digestion and controls blood sugar levels.

Surely as a child you all ate a packet of chickpeas. This is very nice, because this is actually the already popular chickpeas in our country. Legume is a healthy food included in the menu of people who are struggling with excess weight. about 100 g of chickpeas contain 8.8 g of protein, little fat and not so many carbohydrates. Chickpeas are rich in iron and are a recommended food during pregnancy. It also lowers high cholesterol.

Another very popular superfood that supplies besides large dose of protein and another useful substance is quinoa. It does not contain gluten, so it is suitable for people with intolerance to it. 100 g of legumes contain 4.4 g of protein.

Chia seed

Extremely useful superfood, contains a bouquet of useful substances, determining its incredible health properties. Plenty of protein, omega 3 fatty acids, zinc, potassium, fiber, etc. Due to the high content of protein, which supplies the body, which takes care of maintaining good heart health, increasing concentration and memory, losing weight, improving mood and more.


Eggs are one of the most consumed protein foods. In addition, they contain all 9 amino acids that our body needs. 8 g of protein can be obtained from 1 egg. Consumption of eggs helps to speed up metabolic processes, improve skin condition and heart function.

Spinach soup is rich in protein
Spinach soup is rich in protein

Photo: Dilyana


Probably the first thing that comes to mind when you hear about this useful vegetable is its high iron content. Well, besides him, it's spinach a valuable source of protein and more elements that contribute to the overall good health of the body and the body. About 200 g of spinach contains 6 g of protein, a small amount of carbohydrates and no fat.


You can get 4 g of protein by eating your favorite corn and more precisely - 100 g of it. Corn helps lower bad cholesterol levels, controls blood sugar, and cares for the heart and memory. These are some of the beneficial properties of this beloved vegetable.


Not everyone loves them, but they are so useful. With its specific taste, broccoli can contribute significantly to our good health. They support the heart activity, strengthen the bones, promote better memory and vision. They facilitate digestion and keep the body full. 100 g of broccoli contains 2.8 g of protein.
