Foods Rich In Fiber

Foods Rich In Fiber
Foods Rich In Fiber

You want to add more little fiber to the diet are you Fiber, along with adequate fluid intake, moves quickly and relatively easily in your digestive tract and helps it function properly. A high-fiber diet can also help reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Let's take a look at fiber content in some ordinary foods. Women should try to eat at least 21 to 25 grams of fiber a day, while men should strive to consume 30 to 38 grams a day.

Many areas of nutrition tend to be controversial, but dietary fiber is usually not one of them. Scientific evidence links fiber intake to multiple health benefits, including treating and preventing constipation, hemorrhoids, diverticulosis, lowering blood cholesterol levels, preventing some forms of cancer, and increasing satiety to help control weight..

Many of the grains are rich in fiber. Oat bran is with high content of soluble fiberwhich have been shown to help lower blood cholesterol levels. Wheat, corn and rice bran are high in insoluble fiber, which helps prevent constipation. Therefore, do not deprive yourself of oat bran, but use them every day in a delicious and dietary breakfast. You could also add them to muesli bars, oatmeal and fruit soups. The options are really countless.

Beans are really a magical thing. He is one of the most natural rich sources of fiber, as well as protein, lysine, vitamins and minerals from the plant kingdom. No wonder there are so many bean diets. Therefore, we can recommend you to prepare bean soup, baked beans or bean stew. And stuffed peppers with beans are a classic in Bulgarian cuisine. If you are not interested in such complex dishes, try an easy bean salad.

Beans are rich in fiber
Beans are rich in fiber

Berries are in the spotlight due to their antioxidant power, but let's not forget about their fiber bonus. Since the fruits are packed with small seeds, their fiber content it is usually higher than that of many other fruits. People can enjoy the fruit all year round, especially in the summer, but that doesn't stop us from eating it frozen, canned or dried during the other seasons. Use them in fruit salads, fruit creams or to garnish your favorite pancakes.

Peas, from fresh green peas to dried peas are natural full of fiber. In fact, food technologists have studied the pea as functional nutrient filled with fiber. If you have peas available, you can easily prepare pea stew, lean peas, chicken with peas or pork with peas.

Green leafy vegetables are extremely rich in beta carotene, vitamins and minerals, but theirs fiber content not to be underestimated. There are more than 1000 species of plants, edible leaves and with many similar nutritional attributes of most fruits and vegetables, including high fiber. Make kale chips, lettuce with spinach or green soup.

Nuts and seeds can supply us with a shock dose of fiber. One hundred grams of nuts and seeds can provide us with one rich fiber intake sufficient for the recommended daily dose, along with a bonus of healthy fats, proteins and phytochemicals. These include walnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, peanuts, sunflower and sesame seeds. Use nuts to make homemade nut milk, nut bread or raw candy.

Fiber candies
Fiber candies

And last but not least fruits and vegetables. There are many of them naturally full of fiberas well as other important vitamins and minerals. Your doctor may be right when he advises you to eat one apple a day, but you can add pears, oranges, bananas, peaches and figs to it.

With such a large selection of fruits, you're probably wondering what to put them in first. We will recommend you to make a fruit smoothie, American fruit pancakes, chia pudding, quinoa dessert. Put a little imagination to serve them in an effective way.

Satisfactory source of fiber is the avocado. The favorite fruit on the Internet may be known primarily for its healthy fat content (and the amazing way it looks on toast), but it is also a good source of fiber. With avocado you can prepare delicious guacamole, vegan chocolate cream, avocado snack.

Another just as good the source of fiber is brown rice. A cup of brown rice has 3 grams of fiber, so keep a bag of this food in your closet at all times. This will give you easy access to high-fiber dishes. And the dishes with brown rice are many and varied. Try the soup with brown rice, brown rice in the oven. You can even make brown rice meatballs.

Flaxseed is known as a dietary and healthy food. Grind flax seeds and add them to pastries such as healthy muffins and diet pancakes. Just one tablespoon of flaxseed will get you provide 3 grams of fiber. They are also a great source of healthy fats. If you want to use flax seeds, you can add them to snacks for weight loss, oatmeal, flaxseed bread.

Breakfast with fiber
Breakfast with fiber

Whether you love okra, can't stand it or aren't quite sure what to cook with it, one thing you need to know. This one vegetables are high in fiber. Half a cup has about 2 grams of fiber. Not sure how to cook okra? Try okra stew, roasted okra, okra with vegetables.

So well known for their rich vitamin C composition, oranges probably don't get what they deserve because of their very healthy fiber. A medium-sized orange has 4 grams of fiber.

There is a reason that prunes are popular as one of the effective anti-constipation foods.

In addition to sugar in dried fruits with a laxative effect there is also a lot of fiber. Prunes are not only useful, but they are also a very tasty breakfast, so don't wait any longer, try them! You can also make a cake with plums, fruit puree, muesli, fruit cream or raw fruit dessert.

Another delicacy in our list of high-fiber foods is cauliflower. Great just baked, it can also be used in a keto diet. So many keto recipes with cauliflower are known. For example, keto pizza with cauliflower or cauliflower meatballs. To eat more of this vegetable, you can also prepare cauliflower puree or breaded cauliflower.
