The Indian Diet And Its Tips

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Video: The Indian Diet And Its Tips

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The Indian Diet And Its Tips
The Indian Diet And Its Tips

Being overweight is always a cause for concern for a person who insists on good performance in society and has the necessary self-esteem - whether in the context of maintaining good health or appearance. The first thing that comes to mind at the sight of any well-shaped body is that we too can gain the self-confidence and confidence that hovers in the footsteps of its owner if we lose weight.

We start diets, the effect of which, after a tiring diet, is sometimes not weight reduction at all, but on the contrary - regaining the lost weight or gaining new ones.

Modern Indian nutritionists are developing a new attitude in reading the right diet. According to them, in Western culture, carbohydrates in one menu are devoid of fiber: processed, for example, flour is used to make bread, pasta and pastries, and even for products with the mentioned dietary effect.

In Indian cuisine, more emphasis is placed on the concept of Dal (Dal- means “split”, “divide.” The word also refers to all legumes such as lentils, beans and peas whose pod has been removed), Sabhi or Sabzi (used in South India, or sabzi- refers to all kinds of vegetables), Roti (roti or chapati- this is Indian flat bread made from wholemeal flour ground in a stone mill).

Combining these foods, which include more fiber, balances our diet, satiates us and gives us more energy, which is necessary when following a certain weight loss regimen.

Nutritionists in India note another gap in nutrition in the West. They think that we lack a sufficient intake of vegetables and that they are served under the camouflage of croutons, greasy sauces or a generous amount of oil.

Therefore, we ask ourselves why we do not lose weight, thinking that we eat healthy?

Hence the popularity of diets such as Atkins, which encourages low carbohydrate content. This means avoiding foods such as pretzels, pizzas, pasta, muffins, which supply almost no nutrients to our body. On the other hand, diets that completely or partially reject them affect the reduction of serotonin - a neurotransmitter in the brain, responsible for the feeling of happiness, satisfaction and well-being. The result, according to Indian nutritionists, is irritability, anxiety, depression and resistance to dieting.

Indian nutritionists also believe that weight loss diets should be based on an understanding of a number of factors that affect weight, such as metabolic rate, age, gender, level of physical activity, diseases that accompany those who want to lose weight and secondary benefits.

The staple foods they use in India, their cooking methods and the combinations of products in them are aimed at increasing fiber and nutritional content.

The best way to know that you are losing weight the right way, according to Indian nutritionists, is to ensure that weight loss is slow and gradual. Proper and balanced nutrition is the first step to successful weight loss in the long run. In this sense, the main stage involves the selection of foods that are low in calories and high in nutrients.

Some of the Indian dietary tips:

1. Moderate nutrition is very important. This helps to keep the body in mental and physical balance, as well as to remain satisfied with all the necessary nutrients. In this way, healthy weight loss is promoted.

The Indian diet and its tips
The Indian diet and its tips

2. Reduction of "empty foods and beverages", ie those that are high in calories, but do not have nutritional value such as soft drinks, alcohol.

3. Including plenty of green leafy vegetables and fruits in the diet is an important step. This will provide us with more vitamins and minerals and means one thing: lots of fiber! And fiber means more space-consuming food in the stomach and a feeling of satiety, which facilitates weight loss.

4. It takes 20 minutes for the brain to realize that our stomach is full. So if we just extend the meal time each time, we will end up consuming food in moderation and in accordance with the requirements of the body. Or you can just add salads and soups to your meal, start your lunch or dinner with them, and only then move on to the main course.

5. Consumption of 2-3 glasses of water before meals and that it suppresses appetite is a frequently commented myth. It is completely wrong. Water has a high mobility inside the body and moves quickly to the intestines, soon leaving the stomach empty. Therefore, this practice needs to be rethought.

6. Protein plays a very important role in weight loss. If they are limited by diet, our muscle mass will decrease and adipose tissue will remain the same. Therefore, it is good to include protein through food in your diet, but those that are low in calories.

7. Fats should be kept to a minimum, but should not be completely stopped, as they are important for the formation of hormones and their deficiency can cause hormonal imbalances, which can further lead to weight problems.

8. Many liquids in the form of soups, fruit juices, milk, etc. should be taken between meals. This will help reduce the urge to starve. Simple small changes in our cooking methods can work wonders and keep calories to a minimum. Roasting and steaming should be preferred to frying.

9. For the best effect and healthy weight loss, you should seek professional advice, instead of relying on and following unreservedly considered sometimes generally valid diets.
