The Combination Of Honey And Tahini And Its Health Benefits

The Combination Of Honey And Tahini And Its Health Benefits
The Combination Of Honey And Tahini And Its Health Benefits

Mixing different flavors in food can change a person's perception of the possibilities of a good food product. In this respect, the tandem between honey and tahini holds one of the first places and is a combination that should not be missed.

What will our body get from combining the most famous of the tahini, the sesame, and the bee product, known for its healing and nutritional properties? What do we know about the benefits of honey and tahini?

Sesame tahini is an invaluable source of various vitamins and minerals. Iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, manganese, phosphorus in its composition are not the only valuable elements.

To these we can add omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and vitamins B, A and E. Due to the essential amino acids in it, this product is a complete and healthy food in many diets, highly valued in the Mediterranean diet.

The benefits of tahini with honey are many
The benefits of tahini with honey are many

Combining tahini with honey gives a high-calorie dessert, which is also an excellent remedy if taken in the morning on an empty stomach. It is no coincidence that as far back as ancient Babylon sesame tahini with honey it was consumed by women who wanted to preserve their youth and beauty, and Roman soldiers relied on it to withstand heavy marches.

The combination of these products really gives strength and energy. Moreover, it supports the functions of the heart; strengthens the body's immune defenses; prevents aging and takes care of the health of the digestive tract.

With sesame seeds tahini with honey can reduce appetite for sweets and soothe attacks of gastritis, colitis and peptic ulcer disease. Mixed, sesame tahini and honey strengthen bones; stimulate the work of brain cells; enhance physical endurance and give shine and radiance to skin and hair.

Halva with tahini and honey
Halva with tahini and honey

To maximize the effect, it is recommended to take 2 tablespoons in the morning on an empty stomach sesame or flax tahini with honey. This dose will give the body 8 grams of unsaturated fat, 21 grams of carbohydrates, 3 grams of protein, 1 gram of fiber, and the calories are 155.

The combination of valuable foods is not only a powerful immune stimulant, but also a painkiller, brain food, prevention of kidney stones and a food product that energizes for the whole day.
