The BFSA Stopped 69 Tons Of Dangerous Pesticide Beans

The BFSA Stopped 69 Tons Of Dangerous Pesticide Beans
The BFSA Stopped 69 Tons Of Dangerous Pesticide Beans

The Bulgarian Food Safety Agency (BFSA) has imposed a ban on the distribution of nearly 69 tonnes of white beans. The agency's inspectors found that it contained an increased amount of the pesticide malathion.

The dangerous consignment was detected by inspectors from the Regional Directorate for Food Safety, Varna. The bean with pesticides was stored in a wholesale warehouse in the town of Devnya.

The dangerous bean plant was produced in Ethiopia, but in our country the bean was delivered through Romania, and its final destination was the Bulgarian market.

The experts from the BFSA are in a hurry to reassure our compatriots that the beans with a dangerous amount of pesticides have not been sold in the trade network and all the products imported by it have been banned.

In connection with the upcoming holidays on the occasion of Easter and St. George's Day, the inspectors carry out extraordinary control of the commercial sites, the BFSA informs.


Last week alone, 2,532 sites were inspected throughout the country. Priority is given to inspecting objects from the trade network and public catering.

As a result of the inspections, 55 Acts for administrative violation were drawn up and 193 prescriptions for elimination of discrepancies were issued.

The most common violations found by the experts are offering expired food, without health and identification markings, as well as discrepancies in the building stock and technological equipment of the sites.

More than 120 kg of unfit for consumption foods were found and discarded, and one site was temporarily closed due to the violations found on its territory.
