Pea Milk - The Latest Healthy Hit

Pea Milk - The Latest Healthy Hit
Pea Milk - The Latest Healthy Hit

One of the great challenges that vegetarians and vegans face is finding full-fledged substitutes for cow's milk and dairy products.

Fortunately, on the market even in our country you can find a number of complete substitutes such as soy milk, almond milk, coconut milk and others.

The hottest hit in healthy eating is pea milk, which is thought to be able to completely replace cow's milk.

Pea milk, developed by Ripple Hoods, contains the same amount of protein as cow's milk.

But healthy vegetarian pea milk has twice as much calcium as it does times less sugar than cow's milk, and also contains only a third of the saturated fat found in animal products.

Pea milk has a thick and pleasant taste, which does not suggest that it is made from vegetables.

But pea milk has other advantages, as they are related to its environmental friendliness.


Everyone knows that behind the production of 1 liter of cow's milk lies a huge so-called. Carbon footprint, i.e. the amount of harmful emissions emitted into the atmosphere during its production.

For the production of 1 liter of milk you need 1000 liters of water, while for the same amount pea milk of only 2.25 liters needed.

Not to be overlooked is the fact that a cow farm with 2,500 cows produces the same amount of waste as a city with a population of 441,000.

Ripple Foods' latest product is now available on the market.

Pea milk can be purchased in four versions - original, unsweetened, vanilla and chocolate.

According to customers, its only drawback is the relatively high price. It is available for $ 4.99 for 1.3 liters, which makes it about four times more expensive than cow's milk.
