Invaluable Herbs For Draining The Body

Invaluable Herbs For Draining The Body
Invaluable Herbs For Draining The Body

Much of the human body is made up of water. Most of it is found in cells and cellular protoplasm.

It is structured, in constant motion, has a high biological activity, and its main function is to protect the body from the harmful effects of the environment.

Precisely because of this function of the precious fluid, our body must have a good water balance. It is known that in some diseases the body can begin to retain water, which further worsens its condition.

There are developed drugs that can help solve this problem, but fortunately nature has provided effective means to drain the body and maintain its water balance without burdening our body with unnecessary chemicals.

When water is retained in the body, swellings form in various parts of the body, which subsequently lead to severe pain in these parts.

If the swelling is in the legs, arms, abdomen, it is good to consult a doctor so that the problem does not come from the kidneys or heart, and not due to water retention.

If, however, the condition is caused by excess fluid in the body, suitable natural remedies are weed roots, bearberry leaves, bilberry leaves, cherry stalks, corn hair, patches of patchouli.

Dandelion tea
Dandelion tea

Mix and take a tablespoon and put in half a liter of boiling water. Boil for five minutes, strain and drink before each meal.

Also effective remedy, which is widely used in folk medicine for dehydration, is dandelion tea, yarrow and weed. The dried herbs are soaked overnight in cold water. Then they are boiled and left to stand for another day.

The drink, which can be flavored with a spoonful of honey, has a powerful draining effect. Apart from that, it stops and prevents urinary tract infections and maintains the health of the urinary system. Last but not least, the consumption of this decoction leads to the cessation of the formation of kidney stones.

However, the most effective means of drainage is… water. It is said that water chases other water. In cases of water retention in the body, avoid soft drinks, coffee and alcohol, and take at least 3 liters of water a day, which as the most natural diuretic will restore balance in the body, and will also help you lose weight.
