Lemon Is Invaluable For The Body And The Household

Lemon Is Invaluable For The Body And The Household
Lemon Is Invaluable For The Body And The Household

If you use only a few drops of lemon for a cup of tea, do not cut it.

Just drill a hole with a toothpick, squeeze the lemon to squeeze the required amount of juice. Plug the hole with the same toothpick and store in the refrigerator.

A good way to store an unused half of a lemon is to freeze it. When you need it, scrape the soft part with a knife.

Lemon is very useful for the body because of the high concentration of vitamin C. But it is also indispensable in the household.

To remove a stain from a genuine leather pen, rub it with a piece of cloth soaked in lemon juice. Felt-tip pen stains on clothes also disappear if you sprinkle them with salt, pour lemon juice over them and rub vigorously.

Then wash. Fresh and old blood stains also disappear from clothes with the help of lemon juice. However, it has a whitening effect, so it should not be abused for stains on colored fabrics.

Rusty objects will shine like new if you pour lemon juice over them and sprinkle them with sea salt. Leave them for a few hours in the sun and then rub.

The shine of old metal pots will return if you rub them with half a sliced lemon, then rinse them. Lemon juice also fights limescale - you just need to water the area and after a few hours wash it with water.

The fruit will stay fresh longer if there is at least one lemon among them. But if you leave it next to green bananas, they will turn yellow very quickly.

If your hands "smell" of onions or fish after cooking, wash them with lemon juice.
