Herbs That Detoxify The Body

Herbs That Detoxify The Body
Herbs That Detoxify The Body

The human body is a complex system that does not stop working constantly. We strain our body in every possible way, like we take medication, we smoke, consume unhealthy foods and alcohol, overeat, are physically inactive and breathe polluted air.

In such a situation the body is like a big house - periodically requires general cleaning and detoxification.

There are many ways to cleanse the body, but nature often comes to our aid. She has given us wonderful things herbs, which can cleanse the body. Many medicinal herbs have several cleansing properties.

Detoxifying herbs

St. John's Wort

It has the ability to powerfully remove all toxins from the body, including drugs, cleanses the liver, acts as an antidepressant. Not recommended when taking medication.


It has a detoxifying, cleansing, soothing and anti-allergic effect.

Swamp air

Chinese medicine attributes life-prolonging properties to it. It will give strength, improve blood circulation, cure gastrointestinal diseases.


Birch for detox
Birch for detox

Birch sap, buds, leaves are used. Dissolves and removes urinary stones, salts.

Cranberry leaves

Solvent for urinary stones and gallstones.

Healing wound

Improves metabolism, cleanses the walls of blood vessels, cleanses the bronchi.

Healing Easter

Removes toxins, has a diuretic effect in cleansing the kidneys.


Removes toxins, has expectorant action, improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines.


Cleanses blood vessels and bile, intestines, tones the body.

Wild berry - leaves

Wild strawberry leaf
Wild strawberry leaf

Photo: Sevdalina Irikova

Removes toxins, dissolves toxins, improves heart function.

Red clover

An antitoxic agent that cleanses the bronchi.


Removes toxins, removes excess salts, increases hemoglobin, vitamin agent, anti-allergic.

Burdock large - root

Removes toxins, dissolves gallstones and urinary stones, improves water and salt metabolism and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Raspberry - leaves

Cleans the walls of blood vessels, cleanses the body of mucus.

Marigold - color

Strengthens the body's defenses by binding toxic metabolic compounds, suppressing disease processes (even cancer).


Detox herbs
Detox herbs

Contains a large amount of vitamins. C, which is a powerful antioxidant.


Removes toxins, dissolves cholesterol plaques and kidney stones.

Ordinary weed

The most effective remedy against salt deposition, bronchitis, removes toxic metabolic products from the body.

Blackcurrant - leaves

Antisclerotic and antitoxic agent.

Duck grass

An antitoxic agent that removes sand from the kidneys.

Dill - seeds

Fennel seed tea cleanses and soothes the digestive system.

Ordinary cumin

Stops fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines.

Tricolor violet

Cleans and strengthens the walls of blood vessels, cleanses the bronchi.


Removes toxins, salts, even radionuclides, dissolves gallstones and urinary stones, immunostimulant.


Cleanses the body of all toxins, including alcohol.

Blueberry - leaves

Purifies the blood, improves vision, eliminates fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines, rejuvenates body cells, lowers blood sugar.

The list of detox herbs It is not completely exhaustive, but we tried to include the most accessible and well-known Bulgarian herbs. Which herb you choose for yourself depends on your specific needs and taste preferences.

Also, everyone can prepare for themselves an individual herbal mixture by choosing a few herbs from the list. Take the herbs in equal amounts and mix them well. For a glass of water you need 1 tablespoon of the mixture or a single herb. Pour boiling water over the herbs, leave to simmer until cool, strain. Take a course of 1 to 1.5 months, taking a third cup 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Detoxifying the body with herbs
Detoxifying the body with herbs

If you are taking medication, have a chronic or acute illness, it is advisable to consult a doctor or phytotherapist before starting detoxification. It is also good to study the side effects and contraindications of herbs. If you are prone to allergies and have not used an herb so far, try a few sips of the herb infusion and wait a day to see how it will work for you.

Herbs are not a panacea in themselves. When you decide to use herbs for detoxification, remember that in order to have a result, you must change your behavior. The most important thing is to try not to "contaminate" your body with toxins, to eliminate or at least significantly reduce some of your habits such as alcohol, cigarettes and unhealthy foods.

And to achieve a fast and quality result, it is recommended to drink more water and move as much and as intensely as possible. Quality rest and good mood will also help to cleanse the body you are.

See more how to help yourself with our health recipes.
