Holy Trinity Of Hypertension

Holy Trinity Of Hypertension
Holy Trinity Of Hypertension

People who suffer from hypertension, they should be aware that the success of the treatment of their condition depends primarily on themselves and especially on the type and amount of things they eat.

Caution should be exercised in hypertension, as complications of this condition can lead to stroke, heart attack and heart failure.

Nutrition, and in particular the restrictions of certain foods, are very important for people who suffer from high blood pressure. There are foods and drinks that must be excluded from the menu.


Everyone can eat products that provide enough energy to the body without harming any of the systems in it.

You can easily recognize hypertension - reddish, greedy and slightly nervous in the presence of food. People who suffer from this disease like to eat all sorts of appetizing things.

In fact, improper and unhealthy eating is the cause of the development of the disease itself. Daily burgers, cola and fries (BCC) - The Holy Trinity of hypertension, saturate our body with indigestible substances, harmful fats and many, many unnecessary and empty calories. BCCs are extremely harmful for people with high blood pressure.

Car is one of the drinks that increase blood pressure. In addition, it contains substances that excite the nervous system. Therefore, hypertensives should limit their consumption and even exclude it from the drinks they consume.

Car is a sweet drink, and hypertensives should be very careful with sugar in their menu. White bread, which is used to make burgers, is very harmful for hypertensives.

High blood pressure
High blood pressure

The animal fats contained in the burger filling are also of little use to people with high blood pressure. Mayonnaise, which is present in many burgers, is also not recommended for hypertensives.

People with high blood pressure can make delicious burgers from wholemeal bread with turkey or white chicken, pre-cooked without the skin.

French fries are a pleasure that hypertensives are better to replace with much more useful vegetables, which are also delicious.

Fried food is not recommended for people with high blood pressure, much less french fries. If potatoes are a favorite vegetable, they can be served steamed or baked with olive oil.

To people with hypertension it is recommended to emphasize vegetables and fruits, cereals and nuts. And as for their favorite and inseparable holy trinity - burger, cola and fries, it is better to find another religion.
