Boost Your Immunity Against Swine Flu

Boost Your Immunity Against Swine Flu
Boost Your Immunity Against Swine Flu

New hysteria over an expected swine flu epidemic in Bulgaria scares patients. Doctors explain that there may indeed be a boom in the virus.

This is the same one that made us sick last year. That's why many people who suffered from it last winter already have immunity.

The rest have enough time to strengthen their immune system if they prefer not to get the flu vaccine against the swine flu strain - AN1N1.

Wash your hands often. Keep your body clean. Teach your children to wash not only before each meal, but also several times a day. Wash with warm soapy water. Do not use common hand towels in public places.

Do not bite your nails, do not touch the end of the pencil or pen. Clean your nails regularly, cut them well so that they do not retain unnecessary and risky dirt.

Regularly clean the computer keyboard, desk, mobile phone, remote control at home and other similar devices around you, which you touch quite often without thinking, and which retain a large dose of microorganisms.

Last but not least, keep your immune system in good shape, eat enough and varied food, vitamins, exercise.

Which foods strengthen the defenses? Grapes are one of them. It is a powerful immunostimulant. Citrus fruits - they contain a large amount of vitamin C, and it is important for protection against flu and colds. Lemons, oranges, tangerines, grapefruit - they are all rich in vitamin C. And the richest fruit of vitamin C, which is found at this time, is kiwi.

Pomegranate is also an extremely useful fruit. It contains many vitamins that will help you fight the flu.

The apple is the universal fruit, it takes care of the overall balance of the body. Under no circumstances leave your home without fruit.
