Drink Pumpkin Juice To Boost Immunity

Drink Pumpkin Juice To Boost Immunity
Drink Pumpkin Juice To Boost Immunity

Consumption of pumpkin is very common in our country. It is used to prepare a number of different dishes. In addition, from raw pumpkin juice can also be squeezed. It is extremely nutritious and useful.

Pumpkin is among the richest in vitamins and antioxidants vegetables. The interesting thing about it is that it is a monoecious plant, ie. - has both sexes (male and female) of one plant. Few people know that pumpkin can be used to make juice, which can be drunk raw. This is not only possible, but also extremely useful. It has all the necessary nutrients and enzymes.

Orange juice made from raw pumpkin has a high purifying power. It helps clear accumulated arterial deposits and reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. It is also recommended against atherosclerosis.

Pumpkin is extremely rich in calcium. Raw pumpkin juice, with broccoli and carrots, is an extremely good combination for healthy bones.

Pumpkin is also recommended for peptic ulcer. It has the right combination of healing properties that soothe the gastrointestinal tract, treating digestive disorders. And the best option to deliver them to your body is in the form of juice.

The raw pumpkin juice also has a pronounced diuretic property, is used for cardiac and renal edema. Taking it helps get rid of toxins and unnecessary substances. For optimal results, take 1/2 kg of raw pumpkin for 3-4 months. Another option is 1.5 kg of boiled or roasted pumpkin per day. Pumpkin juice can be included in the daily menu as a detoxifying food.

Pumpkin juice has been shown to boost the immune system tremendously. Its intake helps increase the production and function of white blood cells.


In targeted treatment of the kidneys is often used not the soft part, but freshly squeezed raw pumpkin juice. Take half a cup a day. In addition to healing, the juice soothes and improves sleep.

In India, pumpkin has another application. An aqueous extract of raw pumpkin, in a ratio of 1:10 000, has been shown to inhibit the growth of the tubercle bacterium.
