Suitable Jars For Making Jams, Marmalades And Jellies

Suitable Jars For Making Jams, Marmalades And Jellies
Suitable Jars For Making Jams, Marmalades And Jellies

Particular attention should be paid to the jarswhen you make winter food. Neither the jars nor the caps must have a notched place, otherwise they may not close tightly. The rubber rings on the sealing jars must be elastic.

Jars with the so-called Twist-off Glassern are especially suitable for preserving marmalades, jams and jellies. These are jars whose half-turn caps tightly close the jar. Be sure to use such jars when working with gelling agents and less sugar.

The jars collected in the household can always be used, provided that the caps are sealed and that there are no rusty places. And of course the sealing on the inside of the caps should be on the face and flawless.

The type of filling is important when using these caps. These jars should always be filled to the brim and closed immediately. It is then advisable to leave the jars upside down for about 5 minutes so that they close tightly and the contents do not form mold. The hosts must choose the size of the jars they use, carefully removing them if they are cracked or damaged during canning.

Before we judge which ones jars (of what kind) we will use, they must be thoroughly cleaned. Therefore, the jars and caps are cleaned with very hot water and detergent. Then rinse well and dry with a towel. Erasers and rubber caps, as well as Twist-off caps are sterilized well. You can leave them lying in water until use.

If in a household will be made jams, marmalades and other stock not for immediate consumption, it is advisable to consider storage.

The cool, dry and dark closet is ideal (with the lowest temperature 4 degrees, the highest temperature in the short term 12-16 degrees). A well-ventilated food closet or a cool room are suitable. If possible, place the jars in the dark. Light adversely affects the quality and color of cans.

If you do not have a suitable room, it is possible to freeze some of the fruit and, if necessary, with some of it to make jam, which can be consumed for several weeks. This also applies to the preparation of jellies, as the fruit juice can be squeezed from the fruit all year round and processed immediately.
