Delicious Jam And Marmalades With Grapes

Delicious Jam And Marmalades With Grapes
Delicious Jam And Marmalades With Grapes

The grapes are very tasty for direct consumption, but they make great jams and marmalades. They are made from grape varieties with large fleshy grains and a sufficiently strong skin.

The bunches must not be rotten or too dry. First, remove the grains from the bunch, then wash well. The jam is prepared in two ways - with sugar syrup or with boiled grape juice.

For the preparation of sugar syrup per kilogram of grapes falls a kilogram of sugar and a glass of water. The water is slightly heated, the sugar is dissolved, the grapes are added, left to stand for half an hour and boiled on low heat.

Before removing from the heat, add a teaspoon of lemon juice and one vanilla. During the cooking of the jam, the foam is removed from the surface together with the emerged seeds. The jam is poured into jars when cool.

This jam can be made in another way. The grapes are flooded with very warm but not boiling sugar syrup - 600 grams of sugar and 600 grams of water per 1 kilogram of grapes. The nipples stay for eight hours.

Grape jam
Grape jam

Add 200 grams of sugar and boil for ten minutes. The jam stays for another eight hours. Again add 200 grams of sugar, boil for ten minutes and cool.

Then add 200 grams of sugar again and then cook the jam until it is ready. This is checked when a drop of hot jam drips into a plate and does not spill. This jam is poured hot into jars.

If you are making green grape jam, add a few cherry tree leaves to keep the green color.

With grape juice, the jam becomes very tasty and the grains are completely transparent. The jam is made by pouring 1 liter of grape juice over the grapes. Add 400 grams of sugar and boil until a drop of jam is poured into a plate. One vanilla can be added for flavor.
