Culinary Textbook: Preparation Of Fruit And Milk Jellies

Culinary Textbook: Preparation Of Fruit And Milk Jellies
Culinary Textbook: Preparation Of Fruit And Milk Jellies

Jelly is fruit and dairy.

Fruit jellies are prepared from fruit juices, fruit decoctions, white wine, sugar, essence, liqueur, gelatin and citric acid.

Milk jellies are made from fresh or yogurt, sugar, gelatin, vanilla and essence.

Fruit jellies are clear. When processing them, proceed as follows. Sugar, pre-soaked gelatin, citric acid, drops of dissolved harmless coloring dye and lemon (orange) peels for flavoring or essence are added to the fruit decoction.

Milk jelly
Milk jelly

Heat the mixture, stirring until the gelatin and sugar are completely dissolved. Stirring is then stopped to bring the mixture to a boil and clarify. The vessel is then removed from the heat and the mixture is filtered through thick gauze. To enhance the aroma, taste and color of the jelly, fruit juice is added.

The boiled and semi-cooled jelly is mixed with egg white, pre-mixed with water in equal parts, and put on the fire to boil again without stirring. Then strain again.

The finished jelly is poured into special molds, pre-moistened with water, and cooled to complete gelation. Quality fruit jelly should be clear.

The milk jellies are prepared by adding the strained sugar-gelatin syrup to the vanilla-flavored cocoa or coffee milk. The resulting mixture was cooled, then poured into bowls or cups pre-moistened with water and cooled to complete gelation.

When serving, immerse all the jellies for 1-2 seconds in warm water and turn into dessert plates.
