Why Is A Diet Car Not A Diet Car At All?

Why Is A Diet Car Not A Diet Car At All?
Why Is A Diet Car Not A Diet Car At All?

Many of us are misled by the thought of replacing our favorite car with its dietary version, thus showing that we care about our health. But whether we really help ourselves in this way, or vice versa - we harm.

Many people are misled by the loud advertising: "No sugar". But this does not mean that it does not contain other ingredients that are even more harmful than sugar.

There is no sugar in the diet car - a fact. For its substitutes, however, manufacturers add synthetic sweeteners, mainly aspartame, which are thousands of times sweeter than regular sugar. When such a consistency is absorbed, the body immediately responds by producing huge amounts of insulin, which is designed to deal with it.

Diet Coke
Diet Coke

However, when it does not find this sugar, insulin is redirected directly to the deposition of lipids in adipose tissue. In this way, you gain weight, based on insulin, without seemingly taking a drop of sugar. And instead of wanting to consume a sugar-free product in order to lose weight, the opposite happens.

Another harm that the diet car brings with it is the real risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This year's study, which involved more than 66,000 women, shows that when you drink one cup of 350 milliliters a day, the risk of diabetes jumps. with 33%, and with two (700 milliliters) - 66%.


Among other things, overdoing sweeteners can lead to cancer.

Heart attack and stroke - Yes, sugar-free diet products can lead to a similar problem. Depending on the intake of the product, the risk can jump up to 43%. Interestingly, such a risk does not exist if you regularly drink carbonated beverages with sugar.

Consumption of two or more carbonated beverages a day has also been shown to lead to kidney problems. They can reduce their functions by up to 30%.

So, the next time you go to the store, think about what product you will buy. Take a look at the content - if the selection contains most of the Mendelian table, then it is hardly a good idea to take it.
