These 3 Foods Are Not At All As Useful As You Think

These 3 Foods Are Not At All As Useful As You Think
These 3 Foods Are Not At All As Useful As You Think

Healthy eating is a prerequisite for a full and long life. Sometimes, in an effort to eat the best products, many people start looking alternatives to known foods and replacing them, they think they have made a healthy choice. In the following lines you will see some supposedly healthy foods that are not so useful.

1. Brown rice

Brown rice
Brown rice

It is widely claimed that white foods (white rice, white bread, white sugar, white flour, etc.) are harmful to health. For this reason, they are excluded from the menu of proponents of healthy eating.

Is brown rice better than white?

White rice is processed, and brown rice is whole grain and rich in fiber, which supports the activity of the intestines and keeps us full longer.

In fact, brown rice has more fiber than white. They are contained in the embryo and its shell. But it contains phytic acid and lectins, which are harmful to our body because they take away calcium and magnesium. If taken alone, brown rice will indeed last longer in our stomachs, but in cases where we combine it with vegetables, meat, etc., this property disappears and it stays in our stomachs just as long as and white.

You can make brown rice easier to digest if you soak it in seawater or Himalayan salt or lemon juice before cooking. This will significantly reduce the amount of phytic acid. In order to extract its useful ingredients, it is necessary to consume it yourself. If you want to use rice as a side dish to a dish, there is no reason not to choose white rice.

2. Fresh fruit

fresh fruit is full of sugar and is not useful
fresh fruit is full of sugar and is not useful

Freshly squeezed fruit juice (fresh) is considered a healthy drink because it is an all-natural product made from fruit. But this is not entirely true, as fresh fruit contains a large amount of sugar. In many cases, the sugar content is the same or at least close to that in carbonated beverages.

The fact is that freshly squeezed fruit juices contain certain amounts of vitamins and antioxidants, but they can not compensate for the large amount of sugar. Another disadvantage of fresh fruit is the lack of such useful fiber, whose function is to slow down the absorption of fructose. Thus, although a fruit is extremely useful when it is whole, once it turns into juice, it becomes harmful.

In addition, when we consume whole fruits, we can not eat a large amount, because they satiate us, and when we drink fresh fruit, we take the sugar from at least 3-4 fruits, which otherwise we could not eat at once. This large amount of sugar burdens the liver. Therefore, experts advise to consume the fruit whole, instead of in the form of squeezed juices.

Consumption of fresh fruit is also harmful to the teeth, because in addition to the large amount of sugar, they have a very high acidity, which causes caries. One study proves that daily intake of fresh fruit is as harmful to teeth as whitening agents.

3. Healthy blocks

Cornito is not such a useful food
Cornito is not such a useful food

Nowadays, people prefer to replace one of their main meals with wholemeal biscuits, wholemeal bar, nuts and dried fruits. The truth is that although they seem like a good and healthy alternative, they are harmful to our health. It is enough to look at their composition to understand that they are far from healthy.

It includes hydrogenated fats / margarine / esterified vegetable fats, glucose-fructose syrup / sugar / corn syrup, colors, flavors, preservatives, stabilizers, emulsifiers, salt, etc. All of these chemicals turn healthy blocks into products harmful to our body.
