Interesting Facts About American Cheese

Interesting Facts About American Cheese
Interesting Facts About American Cheese

American cheese is a popular choice for sandwiches, burgers, pasta or just cheese. American cheeses can vary greatly in the amount of processing and addition of the ingredients they contain. In addition, there are different varieties in terms of fat content and sodium content. American cheeses contain beneficial nutrients and can be part of a healthy diet when consumed in moderation.

Advantages of dairy products

American cheeses offer many of the same benefits as other dairy products. Dietary guidelines for Americans recommend three servings of milk or other dairy products a day. Dairy products are a source of many essential nutrients, such as protein and calcium. In particular, the calcium content of dairy products is beneficial for bone health and prevention of osteoporosis.

Macronutrients in cheese


One piece of American cheese, which is approximately 75 grams, contains 50 calories, 3 grams of total fat, 2 grams of saturated fat, 2 grams of carbohydrates and 4 grams of protein. Like most cheeses, American cheeses contain large amounts of saturated fat, which can contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease if eaten in excess. The protein contained in American cheese is a complete protein that provides all the essential amino acids of the body.

The micronutrients in the cheese

American cheese is a source of many vitamins and minerals. One serving provides 15 percent of the daily value of phosphorus, 5% selenium, 5% riboflavin, 4% zinc, 2% magnesium and 2% vitamin A. Each dose provides 118 milligrams of calcium, which is 12 percent of the daily value. American cheese contains a moderate amount of sodium, totaling 282 milligrams per serving, or 12 percent of the daily required dose.

Low fat cheeses

American cheese sandwich
American cheese sandwich

Because American cheese is high in fat and saturated fat, many producers offer low-fat varieties. The low fat content of American cheeses contains 1 gram of total fat, all in the form of saturated fat. The fat reduction in American cheese can be sacrificed at the expense of taste, along with the requirement of additional ingredients to maintain a proper texture. Some low-fat American cheeses may even have more sodium than regular varieties.

Other varieties of American cheese are fat-free or low in sodium. Fat-free varieties require even more added ingredients and stabilizers than low-fat cheese, which can make them unattractive.

Low sodium in American cheeses, which may contain less than 100 mg of sodium and are popular among people on low sodium diets. Excessive sodium intake can contribute to high blood pressure and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
