Interesting Facts About Apples

Interesting Facts About Apples
Interesting Facts About Apples

Everyone has heard the catchphrase: "With an apple a day, the doctor will be away from me." This statement, which lies in our memory, is completely true. Apples contain 200 mg. polyphenols, 30 grams of carbohydrates with low glycemic index, more than 5 grams of fiber and about 80 calories - a bunch of useful properties.

The most important thing to know is that when eating apples, about 2/3 of the fiber and many of the antioxidants are hidden in their skin.

Weight loss with apples
Weight loss with apples

A recent study in Tokyo showed that the polyphenols contained in the fruit provide us with benefits such as increasing strength and endurance, as well as helping to reduce body fat.

Composition of apples
Composition of apples

Scientists have studied how prolonged and regular consumption of apples affects humans and animals. In both groups, an increase in the activity of genes that stimulate fat burning was observed, while an increase in strength and a decrease in muscle fatigue were found.

apple cider
apple cider

People who ate apples for 12 weeks showed a tendency to reduce fat, weight and cholesterol levels.

All this is due on the one hand to the almost unknown fact that apples contain 25% air. They are a great food for preventing osteoporosis and strengthening bones. They also help strengthen memory.

Apples are the fruit with the highest fiber content - an average apple contains up to 4 grams of fiber. Among other things, they do not contain fat, sodium and cholesterol.

In literature, apples are a symbol of many things, but most of all of the temptation followed by immortality and rebirth, love, health, fertility and more. Their homeland is said to be a region between the Caspian and Black Seas, as well as Central Asia.

There is evidence that they were consumed as early as 6,500 BC. The fruit was a favorite of the Greeks and Romans. Today, among the largest producers are China, the United States, Turkey, Poland and Italy, with more than 7,500 varieties known.

It is believed that eating an apple before bed helps to brush your teeth. It is said that in this way their whiteness is supported.

In reality, 39% of apples in the world are processed into apple products, and 21% of them are made in the form of juice and cider.

And people who are afraid of apples suffer from a phobia called Malusdomesticaphobia.
