Does The Rice Diet Melt Pounds

Does The Rice Diet Melt Pounds
Does The Rice Diet Melt Pounds

The rice diet is designed for rapid weight loss within 2 to 4 weeks. It is often offered by nutritionists in the treatment of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension and kidney disease.

Research by its creator, Walter Kempner, has shown that the presence of these diseases is significantly less common in people who frequently consume rice.

When following this diet, in addition to increasing the amount of rice you eat, you should limit your intake of salt, sugar, foods rich in carbohydrates and high in sodium, fatty and protein-rich foods.

The diet promises rapid weight loss of about 20-30 pounds in the first month, followed by 2, 5-3, 5 pounds after that. And if you add appropriate exercises to it, the effect can be overwhelming.

Does the rice diet melt pounds
Does the rice diet melt pounds

The good thing about the rice diet is that it does not only include rice, although it is the main product in it. The diet allows the consumption of whole grains, starch, fruits, vegetables, skim milk products and foods rich in fiber.

What should be noted is that the diet is not recommended for people who have problems with the colon and impaired kidney function. If you pay attention to the foods that are consumed during this diet, you will notice that they are low in calcium and vitamin D, so it is good to take a multivitamin tablet once a day.

The rice diet begins with the intake of 800 calories per day, and they increase gradually and reach 1200 per day at its end. Experts recommend that diets that include less than 1,200 calories a day be monitored.

Sodium intake is significantly reduced from 7,000 milligrams to 50 milligrams per day, which in turn leads to water loss and a sharp decrease in appetite in the first 48 hours. Protein intake is also limited to 16-20 grams per day.

A rice diet can be a very good start for a healthier lifestyle. It is one of the most popular diets to which 18 percent of the world's population has undergone. If you are still wondering what diet to go on, then know that rice is a very good choice for better health and permanent weight loss.

Rice not only sculpts our figure, but can also be very tasty. That's why we offer you some wonderful recipes for rice. If you want to follow a stricter regimen, here is our sample menu for a 7-day regimen:

Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 60 g of boiled brown rice without additives;

Lunch and dinner: 90 g of boiled rice, 90 g of boiled fish or chicken, 1 tomato.

To flavor the lunch or evening portion of rice you can use spices such as turmeric, curry, saffron, which will both make your dish appetizing and delicious and will stimulate the digestive process.

Once or twice during the regime you can afford boiled milk with rice, seasoned with 1 tbsp. honey, some raw nuts or dried fruits such as raisins and blueberries.

Other recipes with rice can be found at the link.
