Honey Unloading Days Melt Pounds

Honey Unloading Days Melt Pounds
Honey Unloading Days Melt Pounds

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An old tried and tested recipe for weight loss and beautification includes honey as the main product.

To achieve a tangible effect by losing weight, you can follow the following diet suggested by naturopaths.

For four weeks, do a total of four unloading days on the same day of the week. One of the best days for this endeavor is Saturday.

During the unloading day, your food should consist of only four tablespoons of pure honey. You can dilute them with water in unlimited quantities.

The only condition you need to comply with is the total volume of solid food for the whole day to be 4 tablespoons of pure honey.

Fans of refreshing drinks can afford one or two cups of coffee and tea during the day.

During the other days of the week during the one-month regime with four unloading days it is necessary to observe some restrictions in order to achieve the desired effect. Part of the rule to follow is not to overdo salt and sugar.

Honey unloading days melt pounds
Honey unloading days melt pounds

According to natural healers, this method leads to weight loss and improvement of the general condition of the skin, hair and nails. As a result, in a month your body is expected to have balanced its hormonal background.

If on the other days you drink one cup of nettle leaf tea a day or eat a nettle salad (1-2 handfuls of young nettle leaves per week), the effect will certainly increase. In addition to the lost weight - you will enjoy the overall improvement of your appearance.


An alternative to the previous diet with unloading days is the herb thunder. The roots of the plant are included in the composition of many teas for weight loss. One tablespoon of plant roots is flooded with 500 ml of boiling water. The decoction is boiled for another 5 to 7 minutes. Strain and drink one cup of coffee three times a day before meals. Herbal decoction should be avoided in thrombophlebitis.
