Rice Loses Extra Pounds

Rice Loses Extra Pounds
Rice Loses Extra Pounds

If you want to get rid of some extra weight, and you still do not have time to go to the gym or run in the morning, you can burn calories by doing regular household chores or playing with children and the dog.

A "Don't be mad, man" game with your kids will burn 54 calories in half an hour. Bathing a child takes 100 calories, bathing a dog - 125 calories, because there is a much fiercer resistance.


Cycling takes 143 calories in half an hour, and a thirty-minute walk in the fresh air - 179 calories. Climbing stairs takes 300 calories in half an hour.

Another trick you can use to fight excess weight is to cook. Oddly enough, people who cook regularly consume 400 calories less than those who dine out.

Weight loss
Weight loss

The preparation of food, which is associated with constant walking between the stove, sink and kitchen table, has a beneficial effect on fattening.

The aroma of the dish you prepare is sometimes so strong that you feel that you are fed up only with it. That is why it often happens that the chef does not want to eat from his own dish.

When cooking, prefer lean meats and healthier products, use lots of vegetables to make the dish not only tasty but also useful.

Put more emphasis on rice consumption. According to research by nutritionists, people who eat at least a quarter cup of rice a day consume 60 calories less than others.

According to experts, people usually consume rice with low-calorie products - seafood and chicken. If you want to deal with excess weight, eat rice every day not only as a side dish, but also as a standalone dish.
