There Is Already A New Record Holder For The Highest Sandwich

Video: There Is Already A New Record Holder For The Highest Sandwich

Video: There Is Already A New Record Holder For The Highest Sandwich
Video: Longest fingernails on a single hand (ever) - Meet The Record Breakers 2024, December
There Is Already A New Record Holder For The Highest Sandwich
There Is Already A New Record Holder For The Highest Sandwich

Texas' Irwin Adam broke the record for the world's tallest sandwich. The race took place on Saturday, October 22, in New York, and the American immediately received his world record award.

The chef used a mustard filling, sausages and 60 slices, some of which were toasted.

According to the rules of the competition, the culinary invention had to fry for at least one minute before disintegrating in order to be recognized as a world record.

Adam says this is his second successful attempt to create the tallest sandwich, using 44 slices in the first stack, which remained in place for 60 seconds. But his attempt to use 80 slices failed.

After the competition, all food used was donated to several homeless shelters in New York.

In 2011, three teams of 136 people managed to produce the longest sandwich in the world, and the record will be next to the achievement for the highest sandwich.

The longest sandwich weighed 557 kilograms and was 735 meters long, and it took a whole day to prepare and 639 more assistants had to join.

An attempt was also made in 2008 to break the record for the longest sandwich, but the attempt was terminated due to public intervention. The sandwich was made in Iran with 700 kilograms of ostrich meat and 700 kilograms of chicken meat.

But while the commission was measuring the sandwich, the audience began to eat it, and the procedure was not completed.
