Our Body Absorbs Only 100 G Of Seeds

Our Body Absorbs Only 100 G Of Seeds
Our Body Absorbs Only 100 G Of Seeds

Only 100 g of sunflower seeds are able to absorb our body for 24 hours. This conclusion was reached by American scientists who studied the effects of sunflower seeds on humans.

Sunflower seeds are extremely useful because they contain valuable proteins, fats, amino acids, vitamins E, C, B, carotene and other nutrients.

As a source of vitamin D, seeds are more valuable than cod liver. 100 g of seeds contain 311 mg of magnesium, which is more than rye bread. 50 g of seeds are equivalent to 30 g of oil and fully satisfy the body's need for unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E.


Raw sunflower seeds help to heal soft tissue wounds faster, repair damaged bones and restore strength after infectious diseases. They are also ideal for restoring lost appetite. They are most useful when raw.

The seeds are full of vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the skin and normalize the balance of acids. Regular consumption is useful for restoring the radiant appearance of the skin and saying goodbye to all sorts of problems such as flaking.

Sunflower seeds are an invaluable aid in the prevention of atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction and other diseases of the cardiovascular system.

They help with diseases of the liver and bile. However, do not experiment if you have problems, but seek medical attention.
