Fresh Vegetables With The Help Of Hydroponics

Fresh Vegetables With The Help Of Hydroponics
Fresh Vegetables With The Help Of Hydroponics

All lovers of healthy eating are tempted by fresh green salads, which are already available all year round in the markets or on the stands of large hypermarkets. The question of what exactly we consume remains open. The hysteria over the nitrate content in vegetables, which until a few years ago disturbed the hosts' sleep, has subsided.

Even the warnings of English microbiologists about the risks of consuming pre-washed and packaged lettuce, which are freely distributed on the market, are not able to embarrass fans of fresh green salads.

There is now an easy and cheap way to eat fresh vegetables without worrying about your health. Even housewives who do not have a yard or a huge terrace can grow vegetables to diversify their daily menu.

No large space or expensive equipment is required. Just a few squares, glass or plastic containers, a little water and a lot of desire are enough.

lettuce hydroponics
lettuce hydroponics

Hydroponic cultivation of vegetables at home has become increasingly common in recent years. Also known as soilless, because the soil has been replaced by special nutrient solutions, it is a cheap and environmentally friendly alternative to buying and consuming vegetables of unclear origin and questionable quality.

Not all vegetables are suitable for soilless cultivation. Only some varieties of tomatoes and cucumbers are suitable for hydroponic cultivation. On the other hand, with this technology you will be able to enjoy lettuce, Chinese cabbage, leeks, green onions and even chicory or pineapples all year round.

Chinese cabbage
Chinese cabbage

The hydroponic plant consists only of a container in which an nutrient-enriched aqueous solution and a porous substance (eg styrofoam) will be poured to keep the plant above water when needed.

How to grow Chinese cabbage or lettuce at home through hydroponics

Onion hydroponics
Onion hydroponics

Cut the leaves of Chinese cabbage or lettuce near the cob. Pour water into a transparent container, no more than one finger, reaching only the bottom of the cut head. Add a few drops (4-5) of liquid organic fertilizer and place in direct sunlight.

Monitor the amount of water and top up if necessary. At each addition of water, add one or two drops of liquid organic fertilizer. After about one, two weeks you will notice how new leaves grow from the cobs grown in this way.

How to grow onions or leeks through hydroponics

The easiest way to grow onions or leeks is to simply put an onion root in a glass of water, making sure that the aqueous nutrient solution covers a maximum of ½ of the plant's roots. When you want to grow larger quantities of these vegetables, you can resort to the help of pieces of styrofoam, which you have previously drilled and carved.

Prick the individual onion or leek stalks in the styrofoam thus prepared and place them in a suitable container filled with nutrient-enriched water, again making sure that the water does not cover more than half of the roots. Place in the sun and monitor the amount of water, adding water and liquid organic fertilizer if necessary.
