Let's Keep The Vegetables Fresh For A Long Time

Let's Keep The Vegetables Fresh For A Long Time
Let's Keep The Vegetables Fresh For A Long Time

Vegetables are one of the main elements of a healthy diet. Everyone needs to know how to store and use them properly.

Keeping your vegetables fresh is quite difficult. Every day some of the purchased ones go in the trash. In this way, you lose both health benefits and money. In order not to get there, you just need to follow a few simple rules.

In the first place is the purchase of vegetables. Don't buy them from large hypermarkets, as they have probably been there for at least a few days. By the time they reach your home, they are practically unfit. Bet on fresh organic offers on the market. It is good to bet on healthy and uninjured vegetables, which are not packaged, but are in number. This way you will decide for yourself which of them we like. If you still can't choose, here's how to keep the freshness of the purchased vegetables as long as possible:

Tomatoes - Tomatoes, unlike all others, stay fresh longer outside the refrigerator. Placed in the refrigerator, they release ethylene, which leads not only to their destruction, but also to mold and other vegetables in the refrigerator.

Cucumbers - Store in the refrigerator without a plastic bag, unwashed. Like tomatoes, cucumbers can be stored outside. So they stay fresh longer. Wash immediately before use.


Lettuce - When you buy lettuce, as soon as you get home, wash it and let it drain from the water. Store in a container with a lid for up to several days.

Carrots - Fresh carrots are stored in a plastic bag with holes to breathe, placed in the vegetable compartment in the refrigerator.

Mushrooms - Mushrooms are stored in the refrigerator. To stay fresh for longer, do not pre-wash and do not store in plastic bags. If you wet them, they will absorb the water, and this will lead to premature spoilage.

To prolong the life of vegetables, always keep them in different places. Those that are not recommended to be kept in the refrigerator are best stored at room temperature, in a dry and ventilated place. Such are tomatoes, potatoes, onions and cucumbers.

If you have the opposite problem - the vegetable is not ripe enough to force the process, put it in a paper bag that is not tightly closed. For even faster results, put a well-ripened apple or banana in it.
