The Horse Failed To Slide Into The Domestic Market

The Horse Failed To Slide Into The Domestic Market
The Horse Failed To Slide Into The Domestic Market

The scandal with the products containing horse meat, which for several weeks has been a major media topic in Western Europe is growing. After the "horse" lasagna, DNA proving the presence of horse meat was found in ready-made spaghetti with bolognese sauce in a large Western European supermarket of the ASDA chain. The company has removed from the shelves not only the spaghetti in question, but also all other products of the same manufacturer, the company "Greencore".

The withdrawal coincided with the arrests of three British citizens yesterday, including the British millionaire owner of Farm Box Meat. Meanwhile, the French government accused Spangero of economic fraud because, according to a spokesman for the French Ministry of Food, the company had deliberately imported horse meat from Romania, which it repackaged and labeled as beef and sold to the company Comigel, which produced the lasagna in question.

According to a statement by the Minister of Agriculture and Food in our country - Miroslav Naydenov, "Bulgaria does not import horse meat from Romania." According to the European Union's Information Exchange System (RASFF), our country is not mentioned as a potential counterparty to the products in question, for which a content of horse meat.

Lasagna with horse
Lasagna with horse

Despite the lack of notification and in order to protect the interests and health of Bulgarian citizens to the maximum extent, the ministry has commissioned an inspection of the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency.

During the inspection during the last few days, products from over nineteen retail chains on the territory of the whole of Bulgaria were seized and examined. The conducted tests have definitely proved that there are no products with unregulated horse meat content in Bulgaria.

According to Dr. Lubomir Kulinski, Director of the Food Control Directorate at the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency "Even after the first signals for investment horse meat in lasagna we contacted ourselves and carried out immediate inspections at the outlets of the large food chains."
