The Devastating Harm Of Overdosing On Caffeinated Beverages

The Devastating Harm Of Overdosing On Caffeinated Beverages
The Devastating Harm Of Overdosing On Caffeinated Beverages

Since the 17th century, coffee has been one of the most popular beverages around the world. Both around the world and in our country, the caffeine product is revered for a reason - its lovers swear by its specific bitter taste and tonic properties.

And while over the years it has been proven that a certain amount of caffeine certainly has positive effects on our health, for example - protects us from certain cancers, dementia and removes toxins from our body, it is questionable whether its consumption in excessive amounts is beneficial.

The truth is that consuming a refreshing drink in reasonable quantities does not hide harm. The fact is, however, that many of us do not stick to one or two cups a day, but drink coffee literally in liters. Recommendations - no more than 4 cups of coffee a day, which contains about 300 mg of caffeine.

However, we can easily overdo it - when our first coffee in the morning is double, during the day we consume carbonated beverages containing caffeine, black tea, chocolate and even some drugs.

But what can they be the side effects of overdosing on caffeinated beverages - Every coffee lover has overdosed on it at least once. What we feel - anxiety, rapid heartbeat, internal tension.

caffeinated beverage - coffee
caffeinated beverage - coffee

However, there are more serious effects. Sometimes overdoses can lead to insomnia and muscle tremors. Another known fact is that caffeine raises blood pressure. And while this effect is not striking in healthy people, people with cardiovascular disease and hypertension can have serious negatives from this effect. In combination with rapid heartbeat, the effects on the chronically ill can be serious, sometimes even fatal. The risk of arrhythmias is significant.

Another side effect of caffeine may be a headache. It in turn may be due to dehydration, which is normal in intake of caffeinated beverages. A rule you should not forget - for each cup of coffee you must consume an additional 500 ml of water per day.

Some studies suggest that caffeine poses a risk and for the fetus in pregnant women. The risk of miscarriage increases, so expectant mothers are usually advised to switch to a decaffeinated alternative.
