Regular Consumption Of Pasta - All The Benefits And Harms

Regular Consumption Of Pasta - All The Benefits And Harms
Regular Consumption Of Pasta - All The Benefits And Harms

Quite often overweight people and those who follow a diet restrict the consumption of Italian pasta. It is believed that this product is very high in calories and invariably leads to the accumulation of extra pounds. But not everything is so simple.

If you look at the Italians - a people for whom the delicious pasta is almost a cult, you will not meet many full people among them. And this once again confirms that pasta is not always the cause of overweight. So what's the secret? Let's take a look all the benefits and harms of consuming pasta.

The paste is rich in carbohydrates, which should usually make up 60% of an adult's daily intake. Assimilated in the human body, the sources of energy are carbohydrates. The main thing is that these carbohydrates are "healthy".

If we talk specifically about pasta, then durum wheat paste will meet these criteria. The reason for weight gain when consuming pasta can be hidden in pasta sauces, which are quite high-calorie products, butter and fatty meat, with which we generously complement this type of dishes.

Caloric value of the paste of durum wheat is an average of about 300-350 kcal per 100 g of product. However, it is very rich in minerals and vitamins. These are iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, manganese and calcium, as well as vitamins B1, B2, B9, E and PP. Rich in fiber, this product helps remove toxins and heavy metals from the body.

Based on studies confirming the benefits of pasta from durum wheat, modern nutritionists have developed a Mediterranean diet. Along with getting rid of excess weight, it reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and diabetes. In combination with vegetables, lean meat or fish, olive oil paste really becomes a valuable dietary product.

When buying pasta, you need to pay attention to their appearance. Made from durum wheat paste, they will be smooth, firm, amber in color, without white spots. Pay attention to the nutrition chart on the package, the protein content in it should be quite high. And, of course, it is good to indicate that these are pasta from group A, class 1 or durum wheat paste - these are the labels on the package that will tell you that this product is healthy.
