Healthy To 100! Natural Energy Drinks For The Elderly

Healthy To 100! Natural Energy Drinks For The Elderly
Healthy To 100! Natural Energy Drinks For The Elderly

Table of contents:


Three absolutely natural, healthy and safe energy drinks, which you will have to prepare yourself at home. The recipes for them are extremely simple, and their ingredients are cheap and accessible to everyone.

Recipe 1

Take 3 liters of whey, add 1 cup crystal sugar, 2 tbsp. sour cream and stir. In a piece of gauze or cheesecloth put 0.5 cups of dried celandine herb, tie and dip the bundle in the mixture, press with a heavy object (such as a spoon) so as not to float on top. Place the future drink in a cool, dark place for 7 to 10 days.

Then strain the drink and remove the bundle, store the drink in the refrigerator.

Drink 0.5 cup three times a day half an hour before meals.


This natural energy drink will not only give you strength and vitality, but will also strengthen your immune system, improve bowel function and reduce your weight.

You need to take 3 such doses in a row, then rest for 6 months and repeat the course.

Recipe 2

Oatmeal drink
Oatmeal drink

Take 1 cup of raw oats and rinse in a sieve under running water. Pour 5 cups of cold water and place on the stove. After boiling, reduce the heat and cook the oats until the volume of water is reduced by half. Strain and add fresh milk - as much as the broth.

Boil the milk-oat mixture and add 4 tbsp. honey, bring to a boil, but do not cook anymore.

Store the mixture in a refrigerator, but warm it before use.

Take 0.5 cup every morning on an empty stomach, but if you work hard, drink the mixture before each meal. This energy drink will give you strength even in old age and during a period of recovery after illness.

Recipe 3

Drink with ginger and lemon
Drink with ginger and lemon

Photo: VILI-Violeta Mateva

Peel a stalk of ginger and grate it on a fine grater. Strain fresh lemon juice and add liquid honey to it. Mix the ginger puree and lemon juice with the honey and mix well. Add warm boiled water so that the mixture turns into a drink.

All ingredients are taken in random amounts, but this does not affect the quality of the drink.

Take 30 mg of the energy drink in the morning before meals, shaking it beforehand.

Attention! The taste can be perceived as an alcoholic beverage, but you know that there is neither a gram nor a drop of alcohol.

This property is due to ginger - a spicy and astringent root. This ginger drink normalizes blood pressure, increases immunity and excellent tonic. If you take the drink 3-4 times a day, you will be ready for feats. But if you want to sleep in the evening, refrain from the afternoon intake.

Here are such natural and extremely useful invigorating drinks, giving a feeling of youth, you can prepare at home. Their price is surprisingly low, they do not require much physical labor, and the effect will surprise you.
