Elderberry - The Strongest Bulgarian Herb

Elderberry - The Strongest Bulgarian Herb
Elderberry - The Strongest Bulgarian Herb

Elderberry is a beautiful and useful plant that is known for its aroma during flowering. In September, the fruits of elderberry ripen.

They have a very complex chemical composition. Elderberries contain saccharides, organic acids, essential oils, choline and carotene. In addition, they contain tannins and paraffin-like substances useful for human health.

Elderberries contain vitamin C, glucose and fructose.

Elderberry is considered to be the strongest Bulgarian herb because all its parts are used - both the fruit and the flowers, leaves and even the twigs and bark.

Elderberry leaves contain carotene and vitamin C, and dried leaves contain provitamin A. Elderberry leaves, bark, flowers and fruits have many beneficial properties for health.

They reduce the temperature in fever, have a diuretic and laxative effect, help with nervous conditions, as they have a calming effect.

Young elder leaves have immune-boosting and laxative properties. Decoctions of all parts of elderberry have the ability to improve metabolism.

In ancient times, syrup was made from the flowers and fruits of the elderberry. Elderberry syrup mixed with lemon, honey and water is pleasant to the taste, refreshing and healthy.

Elderberry fruit is used to make delicious and useful homemade jam. Elderberries are used to treat and prevent many diseases - bronchitis, influenza, neuralgia, rheumatism, gout.

Elder flowers are used to make syrup and decoctions, which work well for sore throats, flu and bronchitis. To obtain a healing decoction, 1 tablespoon of flower is poured with 1 cup of hot water.

The mixture is simmered for 20 minutes. Cool, drain and drink warm half a cup before meals. This decoction is also useful in arthritis.

In case of burns, inflammation and rubbing, the leaves are covered with hot water and then cooled elder leaves.

Elderberry syrup is not recommended for colitis and pregnancy. Expectant mothers should not be tempted by the aroma and taste of elderberry syrup to avoid complications.
