Medicinal Autumn Recipes With Black Elderberry

Medicinal Autumn Recipes With Black Elderberry
Medicinal Autumn Recipes With Black Elderberry

Everyone knows about the many benefits of black elderberry, for which there are whole books written. So we will not dwell on the topic of what exactly cures, because in practice the answer is everything.

However, it is especially useful for strengthening the immune system, and autumn is the time when you need to think about what you can prepare with black elderberry, so as to get the most healing effect from it. That is why here we will show you some healing autumn recipes with this miracle of nature:

1. Universal elderberry syrup

Using a fork, separate the fruits from the twigs and wash them thoroughly. Make sure they are all saturated in color. If they are not, it means that they are not mature and therefore they cannot help your health in any way.

In a large glass jar, arrange a row of black elderberries, a row of sugar and alternate until you fill the entire container, but be sure to finish with sugar. Leave for 3 weeks in a place where it is not exposed to direct sunlight. When the allotted time has elapsed, strain thoroughly through gauze, but without allowing a single berry of elderberry to fall into the resulting juice.

Elderberry syrup
Elderberry syrup

Photo: Albena Assenova

Distribute elderberry syrup in bottles and store them in a cool, dark place. The recommended daily dose for adults is 1 tbsp. before meals, and for children 1 tsp again before meals. If you already have a cold or flu, you can increase the dose.

2. Tea from the dried fruits of black elderberry

- for hoarse voice, respiratory problems, runny nose, cough, inflammation of the kidneys and difficulty urinating

You can buy ready-made elderberry tea from any pharmacy, which you can prepare in the same way as all teas. You can also add honey, but it is very important to drink tea only while it is warm.

3. Medicinal wine from black elderberry only for adults

If you have already prepared elderberry syrup, but you also want to have a delicious medicinal wine, leave part of the syrup and fill it with water, applying 3 liters of water per 1 kg of fruit. Only after 3 weeks you will have besides syrup and wine, from which you drink 1 glass of wine at lunch and dinner before meals. The effect of black elderberry wine is the same as that of syrup.
