The Paleo Diet Is A Complete Scam! We Gain Weight From It

The Paleo Diet Is A Complete Scam! We Gain Weight From It
The Paleo Diet Is A Complete Scam! We Gain Weight From It

And don't expect to lose weight with the paleo diet, says an Australian study. According to the study, in 8 weeks with this diet you will gain weight by about 15 percent.

Except with weight gain paleo diet there is also a risk of developing diabetes. According to the study, the motto of this regime - to eat like a caveman, will not help us in any direction.

The University of Melbourne says that experiments with laboratory mice have shown that just 8 weeks on a paleo diet is enough to worsen health and at the same time gain weight by 15 percent.

Reducing carbohydrates and increasing protein is very popular among people who are on a diet, but in fact there is no medical evidence that this diet loses weight.

We applied this method of feeding to mice, but we did not see any signs of weight loss, and even rodents were gaining weight, says Professor Sof Andicolupos of the University of Melbourne.


Experience has also shown that a high-protein diet can be fatal for people with diabetes. The regimen can cause insulin resistance and increase adipose tissue by up to 4%.

The paleo diet gained popularity in 2001 with a publication by Lauren Cordane, a leading nutritionist in the United States.

Cordane is a professor in the Department of Health and Experimental Sciences at the State University of Colorado. The nutritionist blew up the public by saying that if we ate the way cavemen ate, we would lose weight.

She advised people who wanted to lose weight to eat mainly meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, seeds and nuts and to avoid dairy products, sugar and processed foods at all costs.
