Cottage Cheese Helps With Heartburn

Cottage Cheese Helps With Heartburn
Cottage Cheese Helps With Heartburn

Stomach acids are needed to digest food. However, if the stomach produces too many of them, a number of painful and unpleasant symptoms appear. There is often bloating, a burning sensation in the stomach, a burning sensation in the back of the throat and others.

Most people suffer from these problems from time to time, usually after eating certain foods, if they eat too fast and the food does not chew well, also if we go to bed immediately after eating. Obesity, pregnancy and others can also be a cause of heartburn.

Cottage cheese, yogurt and all dairy products are very good for human health. They can be obtained even at home, using fresh milk or fermented milk product from the bacterial fermentation of milk. During the process, the bacteria in it produce lactic acid from the lactose of the milk and thus give it a denser texture.

Dairy products
Dairy products

Consumption of dairy products is very beneficial for the health of the body not only due to the abundance of calcium, but also due to the presence of vitamin D. We know that calcium is important for the health of the body's skeletal system, and the combination of all nutrients in dairy products also regulates blood pressure values.

Eating more cottage cheese contributes to the health of the digestive system, making it healthy and strong. It is also indicated for diarrhea, constipation, malignant disease of the colon, as well as inflammatory bowel and stomach diseases.

A number of studies indicate that every third adult has had heartburn and often goes into self-medication. It usually involves taking baking soda dissolved in water, which is very unpleasant to the taste, or taking fennel tea, mint and sage.


Intake of cottage cheese affects stomach acids. Thanks to the element calcium in it, the accumulation of excessive amounts of acids is prevented and thus peristalsis and digestive processes are regulated.
