Toasted Slices And Potatoes Are Carcinogenic And Cause Cancer

Toasted Slices And Potatoes Are Carcinogenic And Cause Cancer
Toasted Slices And Potatoes Are Carcinogenic And Cause Cancer

Toasted slices, as well as baked potatoes, form a carcinogenic acrylamide, which can lead to the development of cancer, according to a study by the British Food Standards Agency.

Experts warn that the darker the color of the slices or potatoes, the more dangerous they are to your health. That's why they urge people not to over-fry slices and potatoes.

Up to light golden is the ideal color of the food that we can eat baked without being carcinogenic, according to researchers.

In their experiments, the British scientific team monitored the amount of carcinogenic acrylamide for whole baked potatoes, chips and slices. At the end of the study, it was found that the dangerous chemical rises in its levels during prolonged baking.

Longer baked potatoes contained 490 micrograms of acrylamide in 1 kilogram of potatoes, which is 50 times more than the permissible dose taken by the human body.

Potatoes that were baked almost to the point of burning contained 1,052 micrograms of acrylamide per kilogram of potatoes, which is more than 80 times the permissible levels.

According to scientists, baked foods should contain about 9 micrograms of acrylamide so that they are not carcinogenic.

Baked potatoes
Baked potatoes

Roughly the same trend has been found in toasted slices. The almost black slices of bread contained 167 micrograms of acrylamide.

Acrylamide is a proven carcinogen that is formed as a result of a reaction between amino acids, sugars and water in bread and potatoes. Its formation begins at a temperature of over 120 degrees Celsius.

There are strict restrictions on the content of European regulations acrylamide in the water available on the market, as it is 0.1 micrograms per 1 liter. However, this amount is shown several times in baked goods and coffee.
