Carbonated And Semi-finished Products Cause Cancer

Carbonated And Semi-finished Products Cause Cancer
Carbonated And Semi-finished Products Cause Cancer

Almost any cheap fizzy drink, snack, chips or semi-finished product can cause cancer. And this is not a sinister secret that the manufacturers of these products hide.

On the contrary, the risk of various diseases and dangerous ingredients are announced in the contents of the packages and are encoded under those dozens of annoying E's, which everyone knows are not useful, but lightly bypass and eagerly open the package.

The inability to always prepare fresh and nutritious food makes us increasingly consume semi-finished products that are ready to eat with just a few minutes of reheating in the microwave.

And while the harms of semi-finished and carbonated beverages are increasingly being pointed out, most of us seem to be deliberately trying to ignore the alarming statistics and the heights of preservatives that "adorn" the back of the package. Here they are:

Very dangerous: 123

Eating Chips
Eating Chips

Dangerous: 102, 110, 120, 124, 127

Prohibited: 103, 105, 111, 121, 125, 126, 130, 152, 181

Crustaceans: 131, 142, 210 to 217, 239, 330

Suspicious: 104, 122, 141, 150, 151, 153, 171, 173, 180, 240, 241, 477

Harmful to skin: 230, 232, 233

Disrupts the viscera: 221, 222, 223, 224, 226

Destroys vitamin B12: 220

Harmful to digestion: 338, 339, 340, 341, 407, 450, 461, 462, 463, 465, 466

Unhealthy Eating
Unhealthy Eating

Disrupts blood pressure: 250, 251, 252

Eczema: 311, 312

Cholesterol: 320, 321

Avoid all products in the content of which you find the presence of some of these indices. The disease states that they are able to cause are not desirable, but completely real and that is why they are announced and systematized in a table.

Semi-finished and carbonated drinks are especially dangerous for pregnant women and adolescents. When buying semi-finished products, pay special attention to 3 components:

- Vegetable proteins - they are usually made from soy, and many studies have shown that soy interferes with the work of sex hormones. This is especially dangerous for the development of the fetus when the genitals are formed, as well as in childhood and adolescence when they develop.

- phosphates - may be referred to as diphosphates, pyrophosphates, triphosphates, polyphosphates or food additives E450, E451, E452.

- flavorings and flavorings - glutamic acid (E620) or its salt glutamate (E621).
